Colors of Italy; Part II

EH Sherman Art Sketching in Italy

We’ve spent the last few days in the Lake Como area, going back and forth between Varenna and Bellagio.

In many of the places we visit I go off on my own to find a little corner of inspiration, some color shift or movement in the water to focus on; some small moment of beauty.

Here however it’s literally everywhere and honestly, it’s a little overwhelming.

I only have so many pages left in my sketchbook.

EH Sherman painting in Italy

We’ve taken a few hikes up the mountainsides and explored the lake and I’ve tried to sketch when I can, but every view seems to better than the last. I am completely inspired and yet paralyzed by the amount of things I want to sit and paint.

The buildings are so vibrant against the gray clouds, the shadows of the mountains breathe in and out of existence with each wave of rain and though we’re constantly wet (its the rainy season here) - it is easily one of the most beautiful places I’ve been.

EH Sherman Art - Colors of Italy
EH Sherman Art - Sketching in Italy

In the end I didn’t end up making as many sketches as I hoped, but spent more time outside processing with my eyes and camera instead. Of the sketches I was able to make - I can’t wait to get home and translate them to canvas.

Huge thanks to my sister-in-law for suggesting this place, it was magic for me.


Giving Form to Idea with Blurb


Colors of Italy; Part I