Staying Organized with a Downloadable ArtPlanner Page!

EH Sherman Art Planner

I keep a studio planner.

Some days are literally just "PAINT" in all caps with two squiggly arrows running up and down lengthwise to denote time. Other days are scheduled out down to the half hour with meetings, reminders, notes about orders and shows. For both sorts of days I use the same basic layout; a full page broken up into sections and times where I can rank the most important tasks for the day.

The last time I posted I my studio planner on instagram I received an influx of questions regarding how I set up the page, my ranking system, etc. So this time - I thought I would turn my basic art planner page into a pdf - you can download it and try out the layout and see if it helps organize your studio practice.

If you try it out, tag me with #artplannerpage - I'd love to see how you use it!



A Look into my Composition Book


EH Sherman Art at the Ann Arbor Art Center