Travel Art EH Sherman Travel Art EH Sherman

Colors of Italy; Part I

EH Sherman - headed to paint in Italy

I know, I know.

Not a travel blog.

But so much of my process is rooted in the colors of my surroundings, in the different shades of water and sky that to provide an accurate idea of the inspiration behind my work it’s helpful to share these moments away from the studio.

Plus it’s just really, really pretty here.

EH Sherman painting in Italy
EH Sherman painting in Italy

We flew into Italy earlier this week and I have been absolutely entranced with the light. Everything is yellow. I joked with my husband that I finally understood the naming behind “Naples Yellow” and am so grateful I didn’t cherry pick my paints for this trip. I’m going to need them all.

EH Sherman Art - Shameless Selfy.jpg

We have a few days here in Rome to explore and we’ll do all the regular tourist attractions (though if you have a suggestion of something else please let me know!) before moving northward.

As this is again, not a travel blog I won’t bore you with photos of food and old stonework and get right into the sketching.

EH Sherman - sketching in Italy

On our second day en route to a brewery I found a square sketchbook and it makes my heart happy. I also bought a few paint pens, though I’m not sure what use I’ll have for them yet.

EH Sherman Art - Colors of Italy

And now to the good stuff.

My internal clock is still all sorts of discombobulated, so I’m napping late and waking up at odd hours. With a bit of extra time because of this weird schedule, I was able to finish a few sketches and get a couple of layers down on canvas before heading out.

These siennas are a response to walking the grounds of the Coliseum and Palantine Hill, just incredible ruins of ancient Roman society. It was breath-taking.

EH Sherman Art - Exploring Italy
EH Sherman Art - Painting in Italy

We’re headed northward in a few days, up to Verona and Lake Como by train - and I’m hoping to get some sketching done on the long train rides up.

(Or naps.)

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