Color Studies at Miami Madness 2016

One of the many great parts about living in Miami is our local access to some seriously world class craft beer. J.Wakefield’s has been a favorite of ours since they opened their doors, and this Saturday was the annual Miami Madness event - a limited edition release at noon.

So of course we were there, in line at 7 am.

EH Sherman abstract art in Miami

We have a blast at these things; we get to meet other people excited about the Miami beer scene, Dan gets to share his latest homebrew and get some valuable feedback, and I get to post up in a corner and paint until the line starts moving.

Luckily this year our spot in line came with a handy-dandy discarded pallet, so I had a place to set the little paintings as they dried that wasn’t dirty sidewalk.  (Maybe someday we'll bring chairs... but today is not that day.)

EH Sherman color studies during Miami Madness 2016
EH Sherman Abstract Art Sketches in Miami
J.Wakefield's Miami Madness 2016 by EH Sherman

We met so. many. great people and had so much fun hanging out in line before the release. On top of that, I worked through a few color palettes that I had been considering playing with all week.

<<And of course after we had our beer-quarry we went home and straight to bed.>>

Successful Saturday <3


Perspectiv Miami 2016


Sunrise Runs and Painting Clouds