Coming Soon; Studio Clear Out Sale!

I started planning this sale back in April when it was beginning to be apparent that a move to California was on the horizon. I envisioned it as a last hurrah in my studio, pulling out old, new and never released work to be sold before packing our lives into moving boxes and starting our cross-country drive.

As much fun as all that chaos sounds, I am grateful for a few more months to slowly organize and pack, and the chance to still hold the sale - but on a much less rigid schedule.

EH Sherman Art Studio Clear Out Sale

I’ve been slowly categorizing, photographing and organizing work for the past few weeks, and should be able to announce the start of the sale sometime in July.

As with all sales, the email subscribers get the first look and chance to purchase - so make sure you’re signed up for the emails and keep your eyes peeled for more info coming soon!



Sketching from the road (in a rainstorm)


How I choose items for Still Life set-ups (COVID edition)